The Bancroft Summer snacks and lunch!

Everyone loves lunch at Bancroft Summer -campers and parents alike!
Our fun, healthy options keep curious campers energized and ready to learn.
Here's a sneak peak at our Bancroft Summer treats:

Rise & shine Morning Snacks

Healthy treats include whole fruit, nutri-grain bars, cereal, assorted yogurt, goldfish, veggie stix, pretzels, saltines, and string cheese!

Extended-day Energy snacks

Engerzing treats include watermelon, graham crackers, tortilla chips & salsa, teddy grahams, and pretzels.

Lunch options to please all tastebuds

Protein packed options include chicken patties, veggie patties, sandwiches, pizza, beef tacos, veggie tacos, mac and cheese & green beans, and Bancroft BBQ!


- A full salad bar
- Whole fruit and yogurt with cut fruit and grains - 1% Milk
- Water, water, and more water!

About Bancroft Summer

We are the ultimate summer experience for campers grades K-8 throughout the greater Worcester area. Everyone at Bancroft Summer is eager to help campers try new things, learn a lot, and have a ton of fun doing it. Sign up for news about our 2024 summer programming. We are gearing up for an amazing summer of creative and curious programming!

Follow for an amazing summer!

Bancroft Summer is the summer enrichment program at Bancroft School.

110 Shore Drive
Worcester, MA 01605


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